Child Hunters
Jan’s Story (III) 1.000 letters from hell, A Thousand pages of letters from Jan! Most of the time he tries to minimize the facts. He complains about the way the press talks about him. They try to describe him as bad and disgusting as possibly can be. He reproaches the media that they exaggerate the facts to unbelievable proportions.
He complains that his wife doesn’t write to him, that she throws his letters unread in the garbage bin, and that even his children don’t want anything to do with him anymore. He also is so sad that he feels so lonely.
I answer: “Jan, what the media writes or says, has no importance. You and only you have to realize what you have done. If you are so convinced that what they write is wrong, why don’t you prove the opposite? It is possible that you feel regret for what you have done, but what do you plan to do to this? Waiting for aunty Mine to stick the broken pots? Stop hiding behind a mountain of self-pity.”
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