Module I
Let’s take our world back
For people who feel they have or want to do something to stop the violence on children as well as adults, training is foreseen to obtain the necessary skills to start working with sex offenders. Certificates will be provided after every module. It has to be said that the actual educations or trainings at universities are absolutely not effective or adequate to work and heal as well victims as sex offenders. You therefore need to expand your field and educate yourself at the highest level. We are talking about the safety of children and other targeted victims. It must be clear by now that the lack of serious results is shameful. Never before humans have been more victim to this kind of crimes. Time to take this in our own hands. With first and for all Humanity, Patience, Clarity, Truth, Perseverance, Objectivity, Honesty, Strength, Tirelessness, High Performance Skills and staying Focused on Safety for our Society. This book gives you a perfect idea how to become a very skilled therapist to work with sex offenders.
Module II
ABUSED LITTLE BOYS, neglected men
Let’s take our world back
This workbook is for men, survivors of childhood trauma. It is a very good guidance for as well adult victims of child abuse as for offenders who mostly have been victim in their childhood. It is indispensable to treat the victim within the offender to succeed in preventing relapse.
This year, like every year, hundreds of thousands of little boys will be sexually assaulted in the United States, in Europe and around the world. They will be hurt physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Every aspect of their life will suffer from this. The same goes for women, of course. For them I prepared the book: Hurt Little Girls, Insecure Women.
You are a wounded man. Maybe without your knowing, you suffer from the effects of different forms of abuse in your childhood. Maybe also of sexual abuse. In this book we will take you by the hand and work around the use of Language in this taboo subject, about where you are now in your life, about Who you are but also about understanding what sexual abuse is and what the impact can be on your daily life.
There are indeed different kinds of abuse. And there also are misconceptions about child sexual abuse. It is important for you to bring clarity in all this.
You can go through this workbook all by yourself. But you can also ask some support from a good friend, a family member, a priest, a teacher, a human professional to get through all the subjects handled in this workbook. Take your time, work at your tempo. And start the healing process today! Both women and men are and have been abused as children and it is only men and women who can build a safer world for children from a healed position.
The united forces of both is indispensable to finally put an end to the epidemic forms of child sexual abuse. Maybe your wife has also been a victim and nobody knows about it.
Module III
Who am I and why am I here?
Let’s take our world back
This book is meant for professionals working with sex offenders. Although many of them have been victims of various types of abuse, it can never be an excuse to sexual assault other people.
‘Who am I and why am I here?’ will guide the professional through the process of treatment of sex offenders. It is the first workbook in a series of successive professional workbooks. Abuse is a very serious problem in our society and it comes in many forms.
For the purpose of this workbook, we are going to use the word abuse as: Actions or behaviors (including neglect) that result in physical, mental, or emotional damage. This definition also includes illegal sexual acts that lead to temporary or permanent emotional, psychological or physical consequences. The most common forms of child abuse are described in the wordbook and will be discussed in the training. Child abuse is violence against children. It happens secretly, can last for years and affects the most defenseless parts of our entire society. Abuse is a huge problem in our society because the consequences often last a lifetime and recovery is difficult. If you have been abused you will notice that this chapter will focus on initial steps you can take to recover from childhood abuse.
Module IV
Empathy and sympathy
Let’s take our world back
Empathy, Compassion, and Sympathy for others can be learned. Even if offenders have caused others serious suffering, both physical and/or emotionally. These skills make the world complete. We are all connected if we want it or not. So, we need to take care of each other. Empathy is a skill that is learned when we are young. We learn to connect to others, to their joy, their happiness but also their pain and needs. For some reason sex offenders haven’t been taught how to connect to others. Or maybe they were a very empathic person, but someone they trusted has scattered this. But Only THE OFFENDERS have the power to re-connect to the world and feel the joy to be part of it. To be one of the wholes where people are concerned about them and you they are involved in everything, maybe for the first time of their life. This is what makes people happy with their life and with others. You, as a therapist can help offenders stop their bad behavior and become part of our society. So, let’s go and work on this together!
Module V
Let’s take our world back
In this module we will work with relapse-offenders. Often they have already ended up in prison and each time they have stated that he would never to do it again. They firmly believe in that at that very moment. Unfortunately, the reality is that these perpetrators are among the highest relapse offenders. 97% relapse into child abuse, within an average of 4 days after release. This means that without the necessary guidance for this type of offender, society will never be safe. One of the first acts signed by President Trump was one that aims to do everything possible to prevent recidivism among offenders. This shows the emergency to stop this violence on children. It is important to follow the previous modules first: “Abused Little Boys, Neglected Men“, “Who am I, and why am I here?” and “Empathy and Sympathy“. Each workbook builds on the previous workbook to create one solid structure. In the first workbook: “Who am I and why am I here?” the perpetrator is first presented with a brief overview of behavioral circles and had to perform tasks that helped him identify some of his criminal circles. This workbook ‘Why Did I do it Again?’ covers similar behavioral circles, but is more detailed and helps even better to guide the perpetrator to become and get to know himself. Perpetrators who get to know themselves with their strengths and weaknesses are much less likely to relapse into their criminal behavior. And certainly when they are guided by trained people.
Module VI
How can I stop?
Let’s take our world back
This module contains the workbook “How can I Stop? Breaking My Different Circles.” These workbooks are designed to help and guide people through their sexuality and through aggression issues. I strongly recommend that you start with the previous modules and workbooks before starting this one. The first steps are described in detail in “Who am I and why am I in Treatment?”, Followed by “Empathy and Empathy” and “Why did I do it again?” These workbooks are solid building blocks and foundations with which you can start to break down and rebuild your client’s deviant sexual behaviors.
With all these techniques you can stop his problematic sexual behaviors and replace them with healthy behavior patterns, making him much happier and more social. Happy people don’t abuse children. Each chapter of this workbook contains tasks that will help the client understand and apply the material and practice immediately what he learned. When he does not understand a task, you are there as a therapist. All the imposed tasks should be discussed with the client in the next therapy session.